Composer David Winkler Visits Chapter 2605 and Coaches Student Ensemble Scheduled to Perform at Lincoln Center on April 22

April 3, 2010

Composer David Winkler Visits Chapter 2605 and Coaches Student Ensemble Scheduled to Perform at Lincoln Center on April 22
On Thursday, February 4, 2010, esteemed composer David Winkler visited Tri-M Chapter 2605. Mr. Winkler promptly identified himself to the Chapter members as a “living and breathing” composer so that the members felt comfortable asking Winkler questions. Winkler also said that he has an organization, Chamber Players International, of which he has served as Executive and Artistic Director since 1998, and how he wants to help young musicians and even give them slots to perform at concerts under the umbrella of his organization. Winkler also spoke to the Chapter members about all of the wonderful opportunities that are available to expand their study of music at Chamber Players International. As is traditional with visitors to Chapter 2605, Winkler led a master class and relayed his expertise to the Chapter’s “Brahms Trio” ensemble comprised of cellist Mohit Mansukhani, clarinetist Soonsung Park, and pianist Yotom Rabinowitz. The ensemble recently was accepted to perform in the prestigious Young Musicians’ Concert at Lincoln Center’s Merkin Hall on April 23, 2010. Winkler gave the ensemble valuable advice, including some “universal” advice that can be applied to other pieces, such as the fact that the dynamics really help to illustrate the composer’s intentions, something Winkler was very good at illustrating during the master class. Chapter 2605, especially the musicians of the award-winning “Brahms Trio”, really appreciates all of the time and effort Composer David Winkler put into his visit to the Chapter and the Chapter also really appreciates Winkler’s assistance and expertise, both of which he relayed to the “Brahms Trio”.